Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Reading Time!!!

So my classes are done, and I (miraculously) have time to sit down and read a book - for fun! So far I'm blowing through them.

Books I Have Read:
Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope
Kate DiCamillo, The Tale of Despereaux
Dorothy Baden-Powell, Pimpernel Gold: How Norway Foiled the Nazis
Hanna Aasvik Helmersen, War and Innocence: A Young Girl's Life in Occupied Norway (1940-1945)
Robert Fisher, The Knight in Rusty Armor

What I am Reading Now:
Barack Obama, Dreams from My Father

Books I Would Like to Read:
(In no particular order)
Gosselin/Carson, Multiple Bles8ings (I know, I know, but I own it....)
Gunnar Sonsteby, Report from #24
Stephanie Meyer, Twilight (starting with the first, we'll see how far I get)
Elizabeth Kostova, The Historian (It's been on my reading list for a while, but now I own it)
Bob Ingle and Sandy McClure, The Soprano State
Curtis Sittenfeld, American Wife: A Novel (highly recommended by my friend Ellie)
Steve Lopez, The Soloist (Amazing movie, now I have to read the book)

I know that I have tons more to update on, namely MLA and Norway and what's happening in the Music Lib. this summer. I'll get there, I promise.

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